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Fallen Academy Series by Leia Stone

Follow Brielle Atwater in her journey to save the world from demon infestation. A fast-paced & action-packed story that combines romance, humour & magic.

Title: Fallen Academy
Author: Leia Stone
Genres: Fantasy > Paranormal > Angels / Demons
Read Format: Kindle Edition
Total Pages: 1,372
Reading Date: 24th September 2023 – 03rd October 2023

The Reading Order – How to Read Fallen Academy Series by Leia Stone

  • 1 Fallen Academy: Year One
  • 2 Fallen Academy: Year Two
  • 3 Fallen Academy: Year Three
  • 3.5 Fallen Academy: Year Three and a Half
  • 4 Fallen Academy: Year Four

Fallen Academy: Year One

Brielle Atwater isn’t sure of much, but she knows a few things:

  1. Having black wings is not normal.
  2. Selling her soul to the demons was a mistake.
  3. Lincoln Grey is the biggest *** she’s ever met … but not falling in love with him might prove impossible.

When angels fell from the sky to war with the demons that ravaged Earth, their combined powers infected humanity. Now, the humans are assigned one of two fates, being either demon gifted or angel blessed.

After wings sprout from Brielle’s back at her awakening ceremony, she’s sure she’s an angel blessed celestial. It’s not until she sees black wings that she realizes something is terribly wrong.

Having sold her contract at a young age to save her father’s life means she should be bound for Tainted Academy. That is, until a fallen angel unexpectedly fights for her to be accepted into Fallen Academy, the elite school for those that inhabit Angel City.

She’s immediately matched with her impossibly handsome celestial teacher, Lincoln Grey. Laying eyes on him, her first thought is that her time at the academy might actually be fun, but this theory quickly fades when she and Lincoln clash on day one.

To further prove her admission into Fallen Academy is cursed, the entire school is thrown into chaos when an Abrus demon reveals that he knows Brielle’s secret. Now, above all else, Lincoln must fight to protect her.

To his surprise, the only thing more difficult than trying to save her … is trying not to fall for her.

My thoughts…

A fantastic and engaging story!

Just what I needed to jump-start my reading again. I kind of lost interest in reading these past few months, and this story really helped me get back to it. Now, I can’t seem to slow down the reading, and I feel like abandoning this review writing and continuing on the journey with Bri!

However, I cannot do that. So, just a quick comment about the story. I like the character. Bri is fun, strong, loyal and cheerful. To her, family means the world. Hence, her act since day one to not let her mum die and the way she put herself in the front and saved her ‘sister’ is admirable. She is a likeable character!

In year one, she has yet to develop all her superpowers. But worry not because we have a few more books to go, and I really look forward to learning all her abilities. It’s going to be awesome! Plus, she has one cool seraph blade named Sera that could communicate with her, like the story I just finished reading – the Dark Angels series by Keri Arthur!

Fallen Academy: Year Two

Family is everything to Brielle, so when she learns about an opportunity to free her mother from Demon City, she takes it. No matter how dangerous, Brielle will do anything to unite her family in Angel City. All is going according to plan, until her brother’s awakening ceremony.

What he is… it shocks everyone, and he’s sent away until he can get his powers under control.

Then Brielle loses someone precious to her and goes to great lengths to get them back, lengths Lincoln doesn’t agree with. He thinks Brielle is too much of a risk taker, too wild, and all he can do is try his best to protect her.

But with untold powers rising inside of her, Brielle might go to a place that no one can bring her back from. Not even Lincoln.

Brielle needs to learn to fight the darkness that threatens to take her over, because little by little, she’s losing her light.

My thoughts…

Wonderful and Addictive!

I can’t seem to slow down reading the book because the story is super engaging. Year two is full of actions with adrenaline rush, emotion will run high, and we will get to see the heroine growing stronger.

The relationship between the couples is super sweet, and the friendships among them are wonderful too. BUT, the ending of the story is a major cliffhanger. So, if you do not have the third book ready, please do not start reading this book. There you go, I give you an early warning.

I definitely like the conversation between the heroine and her seraph blade. It is super funny. Well, it had me chuckling in inappropriate places and times. Thanks for that! I hope we will still get to see that in book three😢 .

Fallen Academy: Year Three

Prisoner in Hell, Brielle will only be able to count on herself if she wants to find Lincoln.

In this third volume, Brielle will have to make sacrifices to save those she loves and whom she left behind. While she’s literally stuck in hell, Brielle will have to summon all the strength and training she has to survive this year.

Far from her, Lincoln will also have to fight his own battles to survive. Separated by a world and plunged into a war between good and evil that overwhelms them, will Brielle and Lincoln manage to find each other again? And if so, at what price?

My thoughts…

Wow, just wow! The story is beautifully composed, and it will bring you down and also take you high.

What more can I say? This series is so good, and this book three successfully made me shed a few tears. I’m still overwhelmed by the story, but at least the end is without a cliffhanger. So, it will give me time to compose myself before picking up the next book.

Fallen Academy: Year Three and a Half

When Brielle was taken by the prince of darkness, a large part of me died inside. How can I move on? How can I accept that she’s gone?

I can’t.

After searching every possible way to bring her back, I finally accept that she may be gone… forever.

If that’s the case, then I can’t stay in Angel City any longer.

My thoughts…

Aargh! I should have skipped reading this short story. After finishing book three with a happy ending, Lincoln brought me down again. The darkest moment where I have to relive the sad days again through Lincoln’s perspective.

BUT, we get to learn all the efforts that he had made and also some facts that we don’t know concerning how he became the broker. Well, he better tell Bri about his ‘ex-girlfriend’.

Fallen Academy: Year Four

Lucifer isn’t happy about Brielle’s escape from hell and he plans to make that known to the inhabitants of earth.

Chaos has descended on Angel City and the Fallen Army needs to do everything they can to keep it from falling.

Meanwhile, Brielle is training for the fight of a lifetime. She’s ready to fulfill the prophecy. Lucy’s going down.

My thoughts…

Highly Recommend Series!

We have come to the end of this series, and I will miss Fallen Academy. Bri is such a likeable character, and she loves everyone fiercely. One of the things I liked about this series was how the author made the world come alive with her vivid descriptions. It made it possible to imagine the world Bri was living.

I cannot wait to read the two spin-off series she has planned for the Fallen world. One is Legion with Emberly, a character we have already read about, and another is Demon Hunter Academy with some new characters. I’m sure they will be awesome! However, upon further checking, the books weren’t born yet. So, I’ll read her other series first.

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