
Travel, Food & Books

Wolfed by Leia Stone

Being turned into a werewolf was only the beginning. Avery soon found herself tangled in the reincarnation theory while also trying to hide her true power from the powerful fae rulers.

Title: Wolfed
Author: Leia Stone
Genres: Fantasy > Paranormal > Shapeshifters / Magic
Read Format: Kindle Edition
Total Pages: 638
Reading Date: 01st December 2023

The reading order – How to Read Wolfed by Leia Stone

  • 1 Cursed By Love
  • 2 Promised to Him

Cursed By Love

Following a trail of blood into the woods isn’t the smartest thing I’ve ever done, but when I find an injured wolf, I can’t bring myself to leave him behind.

That decision might end up being my last because when a pack of wolves tries to attack us, it looks like we won’t make it out alive. The next day when I wake up in my bed, it all feels like a dream… except for the bite mark on my arm and the fever.

When a mysterious guy with searing blue eyes comes into my bar, hovering around me all night, I’m more than a little creeped out. He’s hot as sin, but also super possessive with legit stalker vibes. I’m convinced my instincts are right when I black out and then wake up in his arms, limp, feverish and dying.

But it turns out I’m not dying, just a newly turned werewolf. And the guy from the bar? Well he thinks I’m his reincarnated soul mate, but if that’s true I’m screwed, because according to him that only leaves me with one choice: to drop dead on my twentieth birthday.

Avery had no idea that saving an injured wolf from being attacked would change her life forever. Having no clue that the wolf she saved wasn’t an ordinary animal but an alpha werewolf, Avery was in for a wild ride.

Being turned into a werewolf was only the beginning. Avery soon found herself trying to make sense of the reincarnation theory while also trying to hide her true power from the powerful fae rulers.

Cursed by Love is a captivating book that keeps me awake at night. Even when I got to the last page, I couldn’t immediately sleep; my mind was still racing with questions and theories, pondering the story and its implications.

There are so many questions that beg for answers. The main one will be about Avery’s identity. Is she Lena or Wren? How did Wren break the curse in the first place? Another mystery in the story is about Avery’s dad. Who is he?

There is also a question about the best course of action for Brayden to save his brothers and sisters-in-law, and now that Leah will have plenty of time with Brayden, what will transpire during Avery’s absence?

I liked how the author did not cut off Avery’s childhood friend but got her involved in the supernatural world. But then the fighting over the same guy wasn’t cool. Hopefully, they will sort out the identity issue soon.

I cannot wait to find out the outcome of the story. I’m sure the ending will leave me in awe.

Promised to Him

I’m a shell of a human being, a ghost of my former self.

My circumstances have nearly broken me but Maddy is there to keep me sane. Together we plot a way out of here, we comfort one another on hard days.

My twentieth birthday is coming up and I’ve decided that if I’m going to die anyway, I might as well kill Silas and take that bastard with me.

Curse be dammed.

My only wish is that I could see Brayden one last time before I go…

Following the events of book one, Avery and Maddy have been separated from Brayden and are now with Silas. Both of them will be the ones to boost Silas with the pack link magic in the coming fight-to-dead event with Brayden. Avery must quickly learn her abilities and get them in control because if she fails, Brayden will die.

I was particularly excited to read books that incorporated the concept of reincarnation, werewolves, witches, and fae into the story, such as this one, and I was in for a surprise because Leia had managed to weave all these elements together in such a way that it made complete sense and was still intriguing.

It had me guessing the whole way through, and I was happy with how Leia managed to create a satisfying piece of work that comes with a very happily-ever-after ending, which is good because we already have enough tragedy in the real world.

I have only one complaint about this book. The story is too short. I wish this duology extends to a trilogy, or even better if it’s six or seven books because I cannot get enough!

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