Secret Keepers Series by Jaymin Eve

Secret Keepers series by Jaymin Eve is a young adult paranormal story about aliens and four human girls – secret keepers. The four handsome aliens from each house would have to find, protect and team up with the girls to stop a power-hungry alien from destroying both worlds.

Santa Fe de Antioquia

Santa Fe de Antioquia was another town with whitewashed colonial buildings and cobble-stoned street in Colombia. This town almost similar to Villa de Leyva, minus the big square and also the temperature.

Curse of the Gods Series by Jaymin Eve & Jane Washington

Curse of the Gods by Jaymin Eve and Jane Washington is a young adult fantasy story about one clumsy girl uncovering her power with the five toughest beings in the universe. This series with five main books which is about Willa and the Abcurses and one short story for the sidekick characters. It will either entertain you or pissed you off with the cheesy storyline.

Walker Saga by Jaymin Eve

Walker Saga by Jaymin Eve is a young adult paranormal romance series. An epic journey traversing the worlds to gather seven half-walkers in the battle of time before all of the Seventine members get freed from the prison and destroy the worlds.

Leticia the Gateway to the Amazon

Do you know that the nearest Colombian highway to Leticia is located about 800km away? This capital city of the Amazon province is on the banks of the Amazon river and getting away from this place is either by aeroplanes or river transportation.