The God Chronicles Series, written by Kamery Solomon, tells a different storyline with a different main character in each book. Included in this post are the synopsis, a short review of each book as well as the reading order in the series.

Series Title: The God Chronicles
Author: Kamery Solomon
Genres: Fantasy > Paranormal > Mythology
Read Format: Kindle Edition
Total Pages: 1,109
Reading Date: 27th April 2019 ~ 15th May 2019

The Reading Order – How to Read The God Chronicles by Kamery Solomon

  • 1 Zeus
  • 2 Poseidon
  • 3 Hades
  • 4 Adrastia
  • 5 Exoria


Vegas is not where Karly had imagined herself to be at this point in her life. She was supposed to be living in California, soaking up the sun and enjoying the life of an artist. Instead, she’s just moving out of her parent’s house and going to a school that could loosely be called her second choice.

When she meets Zeus Drakos, owner of the new hit casino and resort in town, he seems just like every other jerk guy out there. How was she supposed to know who he really was?

My thoughts…

Zeus broke his marriage vow with Hera, and the fates banished him from Mount Olympus to live on earth for nine years without his power. To earn back his position, arrogant Zeus needed to fall in love unconditionally, and the person must return the feeling equally.

Twenty-one-year-old Karly never thought that she would further her art study in her second choice place, Las Vegas. She also had no choice but to rent outside her campus due to the dorms at the university were already full. Her roommates were triplets, and it was because of them that she first met the jerk, Zeus.

When I first read the book’s synopsis, I had high expectations because I always loved reading Greek mythology stories in a modern setting. However, after reading it, I was disappointed as it kind of felt rushed, not much twist in it, and its lack of emotion made it hard for me to connect to the story. I hope it will get better in the next book, Poseidon.


Audrey has everything she’s ever wanted. When it all gets torn away in a tragic accident, she begins to spiral out of control. How can she get back to where she was after everything that happened?

Thankfully, Sy steps in to save her literally. Over time, strong feelings begin to battle within her, feelings she does not want to have. Will she be able to let go of her past in order to secure her future?

My thoughts…

Poseidon held a grudge against Odysseus, the man who killed his son many lifetimes ago, and whenever Odysseus got reincarnated, Poseidon made sure to kill him.

Audrey was so happy when she found out about her pregnancy. But she couldn’t tell her husband immediately because John was away to the sea for his summer job. On the same day, Audrey received a call from the fishing company saying that the whole crew was lost in the sea and presumed to be dead. Audrey was devastated by the news, and she fell into a depression which also led to a miscarriage.

After the funeral, Audrey went to the seaside to release her tension, but she accidentally slipped and almost drowned. She couldn’t remember much about the event, but she remembered the face of the person who’d saved her life.

One year later, Audrey met the man again. Sy just moved in and became Audrey’s neighbour. At first, Audrey was reluctant to hang out with Sy because she didn’t want to dishonour her dead husband. But eventually, she came out of her shell, and the two of them became close. Their relationship progressed, but when the truth behind her husband’s death was revealed and knowing who Sy really was, Audrey’s heart shattered again.

I loved this second book compared to the first one, the emotion felt realistic, and some twists at the end had made this story more interesting. I’m not a native speaker, but it wasn’t difficult to spot the grammatical and spelling errors in this book. Again, I hope it will improve in the next book, Hades.


What would you do if you discovered the world you thought you knew was nothing like you’d been led to believe?

Katrina Saul has had a rough couple of months. Instead of starting out on the adventure of her life after graduating high school, she’s been dealing with the nasty divorce of her parents, breaking up with her boyfriend, and working as the unofficial bouncer at a bar. When an angry customer comes back for revenge, she’s saved by Erebos, the Greek Titan of myth. Unfortunately, a simple thank you won’t fulfil her debt in his mind.

Thrust into the Underworld, with a mission that could potentially end life as she knows it, will she be able to fool the God of Death himself? Or will Hades discover her and ruin everything?

My thoughts…

Eighteen-year-old Katrina has a tough life to live ahead of her. Her mom left her dad due to alcohol addiction, and she just broke up with her boyfriend. Katrina worked as an unofficial bouncer in a bar, and one fateful night sealed her fate forever.

Katrina owed a favour to Erebos when he saved her life and also helped to restore her parents’ relationship. However, paying the debt by impersonating Persephone and then betraying someone that she started to care for didn’t seem like a great bargain anymore.

The story was interesting, but it was short. I couldn’t put down the book as I was curious about how it would end. But, why oh why did the ending had to be that way? It made me hate this book more than the first one – Zeus.

I couldn’t even describe how mad I was when I finished reading it. However, I’m glad that I have Adrastia and Exoria ready so that I can jump right back into the story and find out the ending to Hades’ story. I hope that the author included the conclusion in either one of those books! Surely there’s a happy ending for Hades right?


Cristos- A hunter, feared by all those whom Tartarus awaits, Cristos is the pride and joy of Olympus, the daring son of Zeus. But a Seer sees something in his future that he can not accept, something he is determined to ensure never happens.

Avalon- A normal girl with a secret she has yet to discover, a secret that will end her life as she knows it. Will hidden power be enough to save her? Or will she have to rely on the man hell-bent to destroy her?

My thoughts…

Adrastia AKA Cristos was Zeus and Karly’s son, and he’s a hunter respected by the Olympians, and also feared by the enemies – Tartarus’ ex-residents. Cristos often worked independently and was always successful in capturing back those who had escaped the Tartarus.

However, during his confrontation with a witch, he was told about his future – that one day he’ll be cast into Tartarus because of his allegiance with a Demi-Titan and betraying his father. Desperate to prove it wrong, he started his own mission to search for the Demi-Titan, and hope that he could fix his fate.

When the Titan-Erebos brought Hades’s Helmet into the world, fear threatened the sanity of human beings which led to fighting and war. Avalon was just a normal girl who wanted to be a doctor, but due to the war, she decided not to finish her doctorate degree and joined the American Red Cross because she felt people needed her help.

During her mission in Russia, she finally learned the truth about herself the hard way, and even she felt terrified of herself. Avalon’s journey to Sicily with her captor would help her control the beast inside, but when the final moment arrived, would she be the destruction to the one she loved?

The storyline in Adrastia was well-developed, and I could feel the connection this time. The ending of this story was heartbreaking, but I expected it, so I wasn’t that sad when it happened and also not surprised by the cliffhanger that followed.

We read a little bit of Hades and Katrina’s story here, and yeah the poor couple still couldn’t be together, but we know that Hades found a way to fix the problem, and he just needed Cristos’ help with something which would be revealed in the final book, Exoria.


With Hades missing from the front lines of battle and Cristos, son of Zeus, banished to Tartarus, the gods are starting to feel that their time has come to an end. Each day, the Titans draw nearer to victory. If they succeed in their quest, every mortal on Earth will perish. However, unbeknownst to either side, they’ve both helped create another being, one set on watching the Titans and Olympians alike fall, even if it means making the world burn in the process.

Cristos, determined to escape his fiery prison, strikes a deal with Hades; he will do anything Hades wants in exchange for his freedom and the chance to go after Avalon, the demi-Titan woman he loves. Of course, Hades only wants one thing—Katrina. For more than twenty years, the Lord of the Dead has been trying to bring back the mortal he fell in love with and lost. With Cristos at his side and a plan in place, the god that always finished last may just be on his way to coming out on top.

My thoughts…

This book picked up where it left in Adrastia. Cast into Tartarus believing his Zoí Mou had died, Cristos lost his will to live. However, when Hades shows up in his prison and tells him that she’s still alive, Cristos immediately agrees to whatever Hades asks him to do as long as he’s free to leave Tartarus and look for his beloved when he’s done his part.

Hades’s story continued in this book. He spent most of his time in the library, searching all the books for a way to bring Katrina back to him. However, when he presented his solution to Zeus and Poseidon, they refused to help and claimed that it was too risky, there was no guarantee that what they summoned back would be 100% Katrina.

Hades didn’t care though, he waited more than twenty years before he finally fulfilled his quest, and in the process, he also killed Erebos and took what belonged to him, the Helmet. With the Helmet taken away from Earth, it gave the Olympians a great advantage to end the war with the Titans.

The story was narrated alternating between Hades and Cristos’ Points of View. Both Gods were eager to do anything to get their loved ones back, no matter the consequences. It was a great conclusion to the series, and a happy ending was what we always hoped for when reading a book. BUT I would much prefer if the king has a better end though. Anyway, I recommend reading the whole series for its uniqueness, and it’s quite enjoyable if you ignore the mistakes.

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